sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2014


          You Are an Accidental Hero

        You never mean to be a hero, and you definitely don't consider yourself one. You're just an everyday person.
What you may not realize is that you're quite heroic at times. You are willing to help out and take responsibility.

By being in the right place at the right time, you are often an everyday hero by doing the right thing.
People have been touched by your actions in ways you may not know about. You have been a hero to many without meaning to be.

    What Kind of Hero Are You?

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          You Are a Guardian

        You are a natural protector and nurturer of everyone and everything you care about. You make sure everything is good.
You have your priorities set right, and you put your energy into what matters most. You value your friends and family.

You are a kind and harmonious person. You don't have a harsh word for anyone, and you try to do some good in this world.
You can be quite driven to achieve, but you aren't greedy. You only want success in order to help those you care about.

    What's Your Platonic Personality?

    Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014


          You Are Sophisticated

        You like to have as much fun as anyone else, but your kind of fun is of the more understated variety.
You are very classy and reserved. When you're having a good time, it's hard to tell. You keep your emotions to yourself.

You like to savor every moment and experience the best that life has to offer. You appreciate depth and complexity.
It doesn't take much to make you happy, and you focus on quality over quantity. One small treat is often enough for you.

    Are You Wild, Sophisticated, or Fun?

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quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014


          Your Mind is Emotional

        You don't think in a vacuum. You absorb the world around you and make decisions that favor in everyone.
You can't really explain your thinking process to outsiders. You just have an inner compass that you rely on for what's right.

You are connected to the world around you, and this goes double for your family and friends. You have a strong support team.
You love to think of others, but you do your best thinking when you have the time and space to recharge by yourself.

    What Kind of Mind Do You Have?

    Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!

sábado, 17 de maio de 2014


          You Are Original

        'Think different' has been a motto for you long before it was cool. You like doing things your own way.
You are self-assured, and that gives you a power that others can't touch. You don't pay attention to what people think of you.

You believe that it's important to life an authentic life, if only for your own peace of mind. You can't stand faking anything.
You are a true humanitarian, but your idea of giving back may differ from those around you. You help in unique and creative ways.

    The Boba Tea Test

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quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2014


          You Are Joy

        Your happiness is energetic, effervescent, and practically bubbling over. Your happiness is infectious.
You see the world as a delight, and you always feel like you have something to look forward to. You see the sunny side of life.

You never take the big moments in life for granted. You savor every part of a milestone event.
You also get as much joy from the little things. It doesn't take much to make you smile or laugh.

    Are You Joy, Love, or Peace?

    Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!

quinta-feira, 8 de maio de 2014


          Your Power Word is ENABLE

        You are helpful, selfless, and giving. You truly care about other people, and you want everyone to succeed.
You are always willing to pitch in and lend a hand. In fact, you often help without being asked.

You don't find generosity to be a sacrifice. You like to be of service, and helping makes you feel good.
You like to enable others, but you are never an enabler. You only facilitate good things.

    What's Your Power Word?

    Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!

Escute a sua consciência

Para que a nossa consciência nos ajude, é imperativo que prestemos atenção a ela. Apenas quando acatamos prontamente seus avisos é que nos beneficiamos da nossa consciência bem treinada pela Bíblia. Podemos compará-la com as luzes de alerta no painel de instrumentos de um carro. Imagine que uma luz acenda, avisando que a pressão do óleo está baixa. O que aconteceria se não déssemos pronta atenção a isso e continuássemos dirigindo? Poderíamos causar grande dano ao motor. De modo similar, nossa consciência, ou voz interna, talvez nos alerte de que certo proceder é errado. Quando comparamos os padrões e valores da Bíblia com o que estamos fazendo ou pretendendo fazer, nossa consciência emite um aviso, assim como faz a luz do painel de instrumentos. Acatar o aviso nos ajudará não só a evitar as conseqüências más do erro, mas também a preservar o funcionamento correto da nossa consciência.
O que aconteceria se escolhêssemos ignorar seus avisos? Com o tempo, a consciência poderia ficar insensível. O efeito de ignorar ou reprimir persistentemente a consciência pode ser comparado a queimar a carne com um ferro de marcar. O tecido cicatrizado, desprovido de terminais nervosos, perde todo o tato. (1 Timóteo 4:2) Uma consciência assim não reage mais quando cometemos um pecado, nem dá avisos a fim de evitarmos repetir o erro. Fica cauterizada e ignora as normas bíblicas quanto ao que é certo e errado, tornando-se dessa forma uma consciência manchada e deficiente. Quem a possui fica “além de todo o senso moral” e alienado de Deus. (Efésios 4:17-19; Tito 1:15) Que resultado trágico!

sábado, 3 de maio de 2014


          You Are Deep

        You have a multilayered and multifaceted personality. There is a lot to you, most if it which others don't see.
You are friendly and socially adept. You can read others well, and you know how to get along with everyone.

And while you are social, you enjoy introspection and alone time. You are explore your own psychology extensively.
You are also an intellectual, and you don't like to look at anything just on the surface. There is usually much more to be explored.

    What Does Your Hair Color Say About You?

    Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014


          You Are Confident

        You are honest with yourself about who you are, and you're good with it. You don't need to impress anyone.
You are down to earth, humble, and even a bit self-deprecatory  on occasion. But more than anything else, you are comfortable in your own skin.

You are a very supportive and generous person. You know that others can get ahead without it meaning you're falling behind.
You love to take on the world, and you are quite ambitious. You move up without stepping on any toes.

    The Crepe Test

    Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!