You are the master of indifference and possess the power of delay. It’s clear from the foggy expression that you are completely unclear. So which way now?
Your friends form the cornerstone of your life. Without people to laugh, talk and moan with your mobile bill would be greatly reduced and you’d be free to plough your time elsewhere.
Find an outlet for all that pent up creativity. If that means running bare foot howling at the wind, then that’s… er… cool, but also welcome a bit of structure into your life. Word to the wise: you’ve got good ideas, find your voice, but always take advice.
You know how to naval gaze, ask all those deep questions and get in touch with the… you know… real ‘you’. Life is a gift, and you’re thankful. George Michael might not be the most reliable source but he was right about something: “you’ve got to have faith”.
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Filipenses 4:8: Por fim, irmãos, todas as coisas que são verdadeiras, todas as que são de séria preocupação, todas as que são justas, todas as que são castas, todas as que são amáveis, todas as coisas de que se fala bem, toda virtude que há e toda coisa louvável que há, continuai a considerar tais coisas.