You Are Spiritually Healthy

For you, health is never completely a physical matter. You turn to something deeper to stay healthy.
Whether you pray, meditate, or spend time in nature, you have a lifestyle that helps you stay balanced and vital.
You believe in living your life with honesty and integrity. Living according to your values keeps you healthy.
You try to keep negativity and toxicity in your life to a minimum, even if that means giving emotional vampires the boot!
What Kind of Healthy Are You?
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Filipenses 4:8: Por fim, irmãos, todas as coisas que são verdadeiras, todas as que são de séria preocupação, todas as que são justas, todas as que são castas, todas as que são amáveis, todas as coisas de que se fala bem, toda virtude que há e toda coisa louvável que há, continuai a considerar tais coisas.