You Are An Idealist

You see the world as it should be, and you try to live up to your ideals. You take values seriously.
You are careful about what sort of mark you leave on the world, and you treat people with respect.
You wish that the world would change, but you know you probably won't get that lucky. Instead you try to be the change.
You have high standards, but you acknowledge that we are all works in progress - and that includes you!
What Kind of Ist Are You?
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Filipenses 4:8: Por fim, irmãos, todas as coisas que são verdadeiras, todas as que são de séria preocupação, todas as que são justas, todas as que são castas, todas as que são amáveis, todas as coisas de que se fala bem, toda virtude que há e toda coisa louvável que há, continuai a considerar tais coisas.