Your Intellectual Virtue is Intuition

Of all the types, you probably have the most trouble explaining your intellectual process. You just seem to sort things out.
You are amazing at processing everything around you without even realizing it. Your ideas and theories come out of left field.
Some people may try to rein you in and get you to be more structured, but they are wrong. You have a good thing going on.
Your biggest challenge is not developing your intellect but actually trusting yourself. You are almost always on the right track.
What's Your Intellectual Virtue?
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Filipenses 4:8: Por fim, irmãos, todas as coisas que são verdadeiras, todas as que são de séria preocupação, todas as que são justas, todas as que são castas, todas as que são amáveis, todas as coisas de que se fala bem, toda virtude que há e toda coisa louvável que há, continuai a considerar tais coisas.