You Should Study Ethics
You are very interesting in what is morally right and what is morally wrong. What is the right way to live?
You aren't concerned with morals because you are a moralist. In fact, you just consider the questions of ethics to be interesting and quite open.
You love to think about hypothetical situations and which actions would be the right ones to take. You even like to debate these things with your friends.
You think morality is complicated and nuanced. You observe and think instead of judge and preach.
What Branch of Philosophy Should You Study?
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Filipenses 4:8: Por fim, irmãos, todas as coisas que são verdadeiras, todas as que são de séria preocupação, todas as que são justas, todas as que são castas, todas as que são amáveis, todas as coisas de que se fala bem, toda virtude que há e toda coisa louvável que há, continuai a considerar tais coisas.